Best Out of Office Message 2024

Here is a Complete Guide to an Out of Office Message in 2023


One of the first things you want to take care of when going out of the office is to Set an Autoresponder – Auto Reply to Missed Calls & Text in addition to Email Out of Office Message


How You Can Incorporate Out Of Office Auto-Replies For Missed Calls and Incoming Texts.

Out of Office Message


With technological advancements, you always have access to your work and contacts, making it difficult to be offline even when you are not physically present in the office. However, it sometimes becomes a necessity to step away and treat yourself to a vacation.

Automatic responses to calls and text messages do a lot for your business. When you have a good out of office replies in place, your customers feel valued and connected. Such a feature is highly significant for business relationships and customer experience.

Why An Effective Out of Office Message Is Important?


Having easy access to your work even when you away from the office doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t take time to disconnect and relax for a while. You deserve to take a break, muting all the mailboxes and switching off your work phone for a couple of days or weeks. However, there is a lot you should put in place before going away from your office, in the true sense.

One of the most important tasks is to set up an auto-response system that notifies your

  • business associates,
  • clients
  • and colleagues

about your vacation and your availability.

Such a system sends automatic replies to text messages and calls that you miss when not available in the office. A fully-functional app like Calls and SMS Auto Reply gives you a simple, convenient way to respond automatically to people trying to contact you when you are out of the office.

out of office replies

An out-of-office message is an effective way to inform people why you are not responding to their calls or messages and when they can expect a response. This information saves them from getting frustrated and avoids any negative impression from the inability to respond. If you have long-term relationships with your customers, such an auto-response system is highly significant as it avoids any inconvenience.

Calls/SMS Auto Reply app lets you add customized out of office messages that it sends automatically in response to missed calls and texts so that your clients or co-workers know what they can expect. A prompt auto-response is a great way to save relationships and trust and retain customers. You can use these messages to tell them when you will respond and what they should do in case they need urgent assistance.

A clear, thoughtful out of office message saves the caller from troubles and inconvenience caused by your unavailability as they know what they should do next. Such a system avoids the negative impact that could come from the inability to respond to calls and messages. Your clients would likely try and contact you again and again, getting frustrated and losing trust in your business.

Out of Office Message Examples

out of office message holiday

Different people may create different out of office messages based on what information they want to convey. It can be a simple notification of your absence and the date of your return. Your message can also point the person to some other person or resources to help them when you are away. Let us look at some of the most common examples and templates you can take help from when creating your auto-response out-of-office message.

How to Write an Out of Office Message


ā€œHi, Thank you for contacting me. Iā€™m currently out of the office for a conference and will not be available until [date]. Iā€™ll get back to you as soon as possible.ā€

ā€œThank you for your message. I am out of the office today with no access to phone. I will be back on April 5. In case you need any immediate help, you can reach [person] at [phone number].ā€

ā€œI will be away on a vacation from June 3 to June 14. For urgent queries, you can call [person] at [phone number].ā€

The Calls/SMS Auto Reply app for Android comes loaded with auto-responses for out-of-office messages. You can select any of the simple messages to send as a reply to incoming calls and text messages when you are not in the office or away for a holiday. You can edit these existing messages or add your own custom message to set up auto-response during your absence.

Best Out Of Office Message for Holiday


While a holiday is a great chance to disconnect and relax, you have a lot to take care of before taking a break. One of these things is setting up an auto-response system that sends out automated messages to everybody trying to call and message you when you are on leave. A thoughtful out of office message lets people know you cannot respond because you are on a holiday.

An out of office message shows your professionalism by informing others of your unavailability. Such messages generally include an apology for the inconvenience, a reason for not replying right away, the time the receiver can expect a response and an alternative person they can contact if there is something urgent.

How to Set Up Text for Out Of Office Message on Android


Here are some examples of effective text for out of office messages you can use to keep your clients notified of your absence and unavailability during a holiday.

ā€œThank you for the message. I am currently out of the office and will not be back until [date]. I shall reply to your message as I return. Should you require any immediate assistance, feel free to contact [person] at [phone number] in my absence. Have a wonderful holiday season.ā€

ā€œGreetings. Iā€™m away on holidays for a week and unable to respond to your call/message. I will return to the office on Jan. 20 and respond to you at the earliest. Hope to talk to you soon.ā€

Here are some friendly ones you can consider taking inspiration from.

ā€œHi, Sorry I missed your call/text. Iā€™m currently out of the office and will not be back until Feb 2. My colleague [name] has agreed to respond on my behalf, so feel free to forward the message to [phone] if it is urgent. You can otherwise expect a response from me once I return. Thanks for understanding.ā€

ā€œHello, I am out of the office from [date] to [date] for a family vacation. I have limited access to phone and will try to reply to you upon my return. If you need any urgent information, please contact [person] at [phone number]. Happy holidays!ā€

Best Out of Office Message


Setting up an effective out-of-office autoresponder may seem to be a simple task. However, there is nothing worse than receiving an automated response that is not clear or useful. You want your ā€œout of officeā€ message to provide useful information and clarify why you are not available now. You certainly want to avoid any confusion or frustration.

If your message is unclear or incomplete, it can create a negative impression on your customers when you are away. For example, if your message does not clearly state what dates you will be unavailable, your clients and co-workers are likely to fill up your inbox with messages, making it difficult for you to catch up when you are back. Failure to include the contact information of the person they can contact in your absence can affect your ongoing projects.

What You Should Do when Create The Best Out of Office Message.

best out of office message

Include the exact dates of your vacation in your outgoing message.


If you are re-using the existing message from the past, make sure you update the dates so that your clients know when you will be available again. For a general out-of-office message, it is vital to include the office timings.

The reason you are unavailable.


Some people can try to contact you again and again if they think you might be available at some time. If your colleagues know that they are on a personal vacation, they are less likely to attempt to contact you.

The details of the person who can assist the caller when you are not available.


Give complete details of the person they can contact if there is an urgency. If you are in charge of multiple departments, you can add more people along with their expertise area so that customers know who they should reach.

What you should avoid when you craft an out of office message.


Typo errors.


It is important to understand that your auto-response message can go to anybody, even your top management people. Try to avoid any embarrassment by taking the time to proofread the message.

Committing immediate response.


You cannot be sure how quickly your colleagues will respond to messages when you are absent, so avoid promising any instant assistance. Moreover, ensure you take permission from your co-workers before giving their details in the message. They might be too busy to substitute.

Promising a response upon return.


It is not appropriate to say in the message that you will get back on the day you return from your vacation. You may have a lot of work to take care of on your first day after getting back; you donā€™t want to promise something you wonā€™t be able to fulfil.

Apart from this, try to limit the details you provide in the message. You just need to inform that you are going on a vacation; you need not give the exact plans. Also, refrain from making it funny. It can be easily misinterpreted and leave a wrong impression.

Having a strong, professional and concise ā€˜Out of Office Messageā€™ is key in projecting a sense of expertise and professionalism to customers. Getting this done perfectly could mean longer retention of clients, even with disruptions or shortcomings in other aspects of your service.

out of office replies


Setup Google Voice Auto Reply Driving Text To Speach Mode
Quick Response Text Messages Text Auto Reply Android App
SMS Auto Reply App SMS Autoresponder App
Auto Reply while Driving Sleeping Guard ā€“ Auto Reply App
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Mobile Enthusiast, SEO Strategist, Analyst, Researcher. Content Strategy and Writer, All Rolled Into One Mobile Apps Business Development, ASO, full Suite SEO, SEM, On-page, Off-page. Technical SEO, Competitors Analysis, Keyword Research+ more LinkedIn: @michaelginzburg64